Our current, past, and extended dog family.
Eloise - VSVX CH Aros Enchanting Eloise Elbereth RA HT SWE SCM SBM RATO CGCU CGCA TKP ELT2
August 20, 2013 Eloise is our first Swedish Vallhund and the mother of our first two Lavendel litters. |
Scrapple - BISS CH Lavendel Sunday Scrapple Special SWN TKN NW1
January 24, 2021 Scrapple is our youngest, and the first Lavendel puppy to stay right here with us. |
Griffin- VSVA CH Lavendel Skyward Griffin Av Solborg HT SWA TKI
January 5, 2018 Griffin is our first Lavendel Champion and first Bred-By-Exhibitor CH and is co-owned by Ivy Underdahl. |
Ace - Windstorm's The Phantom Menace HI
May 4, 2021 Ace is part of our extended family and is one of our first granddogs! She is from Griffin's first litter and is co-owned by Cyndy Later. |
Pretzel - URO1 Pretzel RN NA NAJ JS-N TKI NW1
April 7, 2011 Pretzel is our token terrier and the littlest family member. In his retirement from agility he manages the resident viking horde from his spot on the couch. |
Hoagie - Hoagie RN TKA NW2 NW3-C NW3-V
October 23, 2007 - January 16, 2021 Our first dog as a family and a life changer if there ever was one. |